Eavesdropping on the Garrett retreat: A white-knuckle drive; why independents aren't winning assets as fast as they should be; and six steps to building client trust
In the Ozarks, a small and informal conference draws big names

Mike Byrnes
Sounds like a good event. Please share the best “Rapid Fire” marketing ideas!
Mike Byrnes, President, Byrnes Consulting, LLC, www.byrnesconsulting.com

Sheryl Garrett
Great suggestion Mike. However the Garrett Retreat and the information shared during the Rapid Fire session facilitated by Marie Swift are for members and invited guests only. It was, as always, a wonderful session. Ideas exchanged ranged from a simple, yet brilliant automatic follow up system to annual client reviews in Italy. Continue reading Marie Swifts’ work on her blogs and articles for more on these types of ideas. I’m sure she’ll write about some of the best ideas from our conference as well as from the many other conferences and practitioners with which she works. Thanks, Sheryl