Advisor: Muni's no longer seem the deal they once did, but some deserve a look (even in California)
One company's strategy for navigating a market that's grown more demanding

Jim Walker
Warren Buffet says an asset is worth what someone is willing to pay for it.
But in determining value, its way too time consuming for most RIA’s to perform fundamental credit analysis on individual bonds especially as the credit rating business is completely changing due to the new financial regulations.
Markets have the intelligence to predict bad news thru market price based rating systems.
To see see a free alternative rating system that provides coverage of all muni bonds go to, a free analysis tools for muni bond professionals and investors.
The ratings business should be a completely free & open marketplace of ideas that lets customers decide who to trust rather than be required to endure conflicts of interest, stale ratings or no ratings.
Good Luck To All
Jim Walker