Eavesdopping on the 11th Annual Garrett Planning Network Retreat
Why a daring-to-be-dull philosophy isn't and word that Garrett Investment Advisors, a master RIA, could really rock some RIA worlds

Marie Swift
I, too, attended the 11th Annual Garrett Planning Retreat. In fact, I’ve been to every single one. There were 3 of us who were at this retreat who have been to all 11 of them: me, Sheryl Garrett and one of the founding members Louise Schroeder.
I got a big chuckle out of these guest blog contributions. Good guys, all. And pretty darn good writers, too!
Just a suggestion for the RIAbiz team – how about putting some social media buttons on the site so we can share good content like this with our Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook followers? I’m having to do the “sharing” the old fashioned way (copy and paste the link into the dashboard … etc.).
See you all at #SchwabImpact tonight. I had 1/2 day at home Sunday in between trips to Brooklyn for the NAPFA PMI conference and Denver for the Garrett Planning Network retreat and now San Francisco for Schwab Impact – otherwise it would have been a full 2 weeks away from home. Conference season sure can be tough on those of us who try to get to all the good ones!

Brooke Southall
Hi Marie,
I’ll have to confer more with Nevin on this subject. You’re not the first to bring it up. There is a reason he has reservations about it.
Thanks for this note. I’ll look for you tonight!

Blane Warrene
Nice to see this coverage of the Garrett conference. The RIABiz site looks phenomenal on an iPad Marie and there is a tweet share built right into Safari. I find on this site in particular I also email a lot of stories as I want to insure th recipient sees the full text.