Review: How Redtail got hot fast among RIAs and how it plans to leapfrog itself
Brian McLaughlin's mindset includes: Technology, appealing pricing and bootstrapping growth

John Cole Scott
Yes we are about to complete our Redtail migration and we are very excited to start using the software for our 5 users. They were very helpful in the sales/review process and the set-up/migration process. Cost wasn’t the issue for us, but it web-based format and ability to connect to Orion and the custodian.
The only integration that I they need to add ASAP to keep our firm as a long-term client is integration with Google Apps Premier. I know it competes with their email hosting, but it is a platform which many business’s from 1-10,000 employees utilize successfully. We are very satisfied and our email archiving provider integrates with them perfectly.

Frederick Van Den Abbeel
Redtail has done a good job reaching out to custodian firms like Trade-PMR, Inc. They were proactive and the reviews we’ve received from the RIAs that utilize them has been positive. Redtail was one of our first CRM integration partners back in 2008. Redtail like any forward thinking organization is doing a good job keeping up with the needs of RIAs and they should be commended.

Chris Grande
Redtail has been fantastic. Excellent product, good price, and service is outstanding. Even if they messed up, I would be very forgiving because the whole experience has been excellent. The good thing is, they haven’t messed up and I will continue to use them

Although we LOVE redtail—-we are nervous about the change to leapfrog—-we are so busy and to change to a new calendar is very difficult. The change is coming at a very busy season for our office. The owner of the company is very particular about his calendar and the new one is difficult to use when keeping a calendar for someone who wants it printed out and when you need to make and keep a full schedule for someone. All I can say is that I hope it works and that you don’t foget about that end of the process.

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Chris Grande
I would share concerns with Redtail as I’m sure they’re more than eager to please – with so much competition out there.

Chris, I’ve certtainly shared my experience with them. They have not listened and I truly regret going with them as a CRM.

Chris Grande
ahh that is unfortunate:( #redtail

Monique Tardif
Would you be willing to let me pick your brain about the frustrations you are having with Redtail? I currently use Salesforce but am not happy with it. I am looking at Junxure & Redtail. I could really use your insight on Redtail. Feel free to email me at

Check out Grendelonline they are going to be the next big thing. A lot better than Redtail which I used for 3 years. Much faster and you can enter the data as a household and not individuals. Just way better.

Except that the new version of Leapfrog cannot send mass email unless you host your email WITH them. Unless of course you can get your email host to open up relay for you. What I don’t understand is that THEY host the email archive, and THEY have to tools to send mass email. Why can’t that message be captured in the archive, without first having to be relayed off a third party host and then SENT BACK TO THEM??
It makes NO sense. Their solution is to move email hosting to them, but the service level you get with their Zimbra backend and all of the client software you have to install on workstations doesn’t come close to what you get with Office365 and plain old vanilla outlook.
So.. while the new version of the software offers some great additions, a lot of their long term customers are getting left in the dust with little support as to how to resolve the issue.

I really hope they start to support Google apps soon.

Thanks for sharing

I would not be buying everything said about Redtail Technology. A number of reviews have been found to be faked by staff members.
Redtail Technology
CRM Software
Top Executive: Brian McLaughlin