National Advisors Trust gets busy Northern Trust-ifying the RIA business, minus the big fees
Strategic Financial Group, Sterling Financial Planning and Snow Creek Wealth Management are aboard as foot soldiers for an ambitious new tactic to unseat unassailable trust assets

Elmer Rich III
There are many undeveloped niches in the wealth management markets and this is a good one.
We do similar work for individual RIA and TPA clients and we recommend that on-going relationship building along with creating an internal set of systems and processes for asset gathering is critical. It’s a little tough to “parachute in” on a consulting basis and see a long-term growth increase.
But this sounds like some good first steps. We are a curious why we haven’t heard of this before since we work with many RIAs and larger advisors. We’ll due some digging into it.
Nice reporting job RIABiz.

Jeff Spears
Great idea! My next stop is the National Advsiors Trust website.
Thanks RIABiz.
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September 21, 2018 at 11:27 PM
National Advisors Trust Company
Trust Company
Top Executive: James A. Combs, Jr.