Most provocative tweets of the RIA week
Market melee sets advisors a-Twitter using humor, sarcasm, downright frustration and off-color language to express themselves

Mike Byrnes
<code>RIABiz and </code>Lisshidler:
A tip: add sharing buttons to your site and then readers can share articles easier, including tweeting a great article like this.
See this page for an example of what I am talking about…
Mike Byrnes, President of Byrnes Consulting, LLC

Bill Winterberg
I recommend using Blackbird Pie when referencing tweets from another website (e.g. embedding tweets on
I use it on my website, and here’s what it looks like when embedded in a post: <a href="" rel="nofollow">FPPad: Google Cloud Connect: Could This Be The End of File Servers?</a>
Get the source code at <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>