6 ways to advertise your investment performance and not run afoul of regulators' wrath
Brian Hamburger debunks advertising myths that scare RIAs from showing off their tracks record

Steve Thomas
One of the big issues that Mr. Hamburger failed to address here is using back tested performance results. Back tested results are prohibited from GIPS compliant reporting and while no specifically addressed in any of the SEC documents that I have reviewed, are discouraged by most regultors that I have spoken to. The obvious reasons are that anyone, given the advantage of hindsight into market activities and performance, can construct a portfolio or investment strategy that would have done well in the past. Even with careful disclosures I would advise highly against using back tested results in RIA performance advertising…ST

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She’s even the award-winning author from the , Owners through the Youngsters: Native American Know-how and Raising a child which displays mom and dad how you can raise young children to build up their talents and guide purposeful and fulfilling lives.
MarketCounsel | Hamburger Law Firm
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Top Executive: Brian Hamburger