Why my financial advisor came to mind (seriously) as my airplane was plummeting toward the ocean
White light can wait: When death is at hand, you get in touch with your inner actuary

Pete Giza
Thank you for sharing such a harrowing and life changing experience. Food for thought for us all.

Smart idea to think about what is the right amount of insurance you should carry for your family. Recent surveys have found that far too people who should have life insurance are underinsured or not insured at all.
For that, you can use a needs calculator available on many online term insurance sites. You can find one at QualityTermLife’s website (http://www.qualitytermlife.com/#needs) that is fast and easy to use. After you’ve found the coverage amount that fits your situation, you can also shop and compare rates from nearly 100 insurance companies.

Brooke Southall
I removed a spam comment from a life insurance company.

Pete Giza
Its still there.

How is my previous comment spam? It does include a URL to a free, no-obligation resource that addresses and supports the author’s stated need to somehow determine just exactly how much life insurance coverage she should have. And it should help RIABIZ readers who have had the same question raised in their minds by the article.

Brooke Southall
Okay, go ahead and re-post it. I won’t take it down.