Where Scott Leonard's life stands after serving his RIA clients mostly from sea for 2 1/2 years, what cut his trip short and what was most unexpected
The odyssey took a $200-million-in-AUM toll in addition to a partner split and Leonard, 45, still faces, psychologically, the task of building a business from 'scratch'

Robert Boslego
Sailing the seas does sound like a romantic adventure until one view’s Robert Redford’s new movie,, “Lost at Sea.”
The reality described above is interesting. I enjoyed reading this account.
His mission statement that “the business has no purpose other than to satisfy my personal goals” was jolting though. Not sure how many clients will be attracted by that message…

Brooke Southall
Some people say they work to live. Others say they live to work. Either could be criticized roundly. I think Scott is saying that he is one of the former. I’m not sure I’d read too much in to it from a duty of care perspective.