Ron Carson chooses Orion-Salesforce software for his $5-billion RIA as he lines up an additional $3 billion
Besides Carson Wealth Management Group using it, his roll-up/TAMP, Carson Institutional Alliance, will also become an Orion/Salesforce shop

Peter Giza
I had the opportunity to attend this session and I found it a highly valuable tool as an industry technology provider.
The value perspectives given were given from the view point of the advisor. And I really appreciated that for the most part there was a minimal degree of stumping for one’s platform.
Having served in many technology venues throughout the years I have to say that the finserv industry stands alone in my experience.
To be sure there is fierce competition, but there is a high degree of trust – earned trust that compels comments like Ron Carson’s regarding Eric Clarke – “I trust him”.
Trust is everything. Whether it’s between an advisors and providers, service provider to provider, custodian to custodian. Trust is infectious and the clients we serve sense that.
Peter Giza | VP Bus Dev |
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Carson Group
Consulting Firm
Top Executive: Ron Carson