RIABiz turns four -- and readership grows another 39%
Our Mill Valley-Indiana-New York-Berkeley-Toronto-based website continues to grow by concentrating on substance and by eliminating toxic distractions

Aaron Klein
Happy birthday, RIABiz! We’re grateful for your impact on our industry.
—The Team at Riskalyze

Blane Warrene
Congratulations to the RIABiz team – keep the coverage coming and the strong discussions. Nobody makes everyone happy – but the absence of your approach would be a loss.

Bill McGuire
Congrats to Brooke and the RIABiz team! How time flies when you’re doing great daily reporting on the RIA industry. Thank you all.

Pat Allen
Happy 4th, Brooke and team!
As much as I appreciate the musings of this perspective piece, I don’t think the RIABiz model is that difficult to “get.” For me, it is in fact your expertise at piecing together a story and then knowing how to tell it. “Storytelling” skills are at a premium today, and RIABiz has no equal in this space.
P.S. Should we be cheered by the fact that you note your room for Twitter growth in the second paragraph? A stretch goal for Year 5, perhaps? ;)

Julie Cooling
Congrats to you and the team, Brooke!

Marty Morua
Four? Cuatro? Quatre (that’s 4 in French, for the Toronto based French speakers). Time sure flew for the ‘’white-knuckled – hustling & modestly compensated staff”
Personally speaking, I am grateful for the kaleidoscope of knowledge you’ve added to my RIA mental database. You’ve got a great team and I am happy you stumbled into my life.
Happy pre 4th Birthday and wishing you MANY MANY more to come!
Cheers from NYC
Marty Morua

John Stuart
Congrats to you Brooke and the RIABiz team

Frederick Trade-PMR, Inc. Van Den Abbeel
I echo the comments. Well done RIABiz! Keep up the wonderful work you do.

Stephen Winks
With 70% of industry revenues expected to be in the form of fees by 2015, the industry has hit the tipping point and by extention so should its editorial content. RIABIZ is years ahead of it competitors in the brokerage/product distribution trade press that are losing readership and getting pretty thin. Increase your focus on process—what the advisor does with products—that adds value, and let the brokerage trade press slowly lose relevency.
RIAs are about taking control of their value proposition, utilizing advanced technology, increasing marins and establishing professional standing—none of which is possible in a brokerage format—which greatly differentiates your readership.It is all about doing the right thing, terribly unpopular in a brokerage format where advice is structured as a product the broker sells rather than an expert prudent process advisors manage.
Congratulations !

Grant Barger
Congratulations Brooke!
RIABiz continues to be a tremendous resource for all serious stewards of wealth.

Joe Anthony
Brooke and team: congratulations on the success of the chance you took 4 years ago, The advisory industry and the media community that covers it is better for your participation and point of view. Thanks for the opportunity to contribute to your content and for taking a deeper look at the world of RIAs. I wish you continued success, Joe

Brooke Southall
Thank you all commenters (and for tempted hecklers for abstaining). Virtually all of you have made some big contribution to RIABiz at one time or another — including comments. Pat convinced us to grow organically. Julie convinced me not to get hung up on a business plan — great advice for someone who hates planning. Steve has been a source of mine for more than a dozen years. Grant came out of nowhere recently to write a great RIABiz column…etc.
Yes, Pat, Tweeting more is a stretch goal, though I fear being an effective Tweeter is akin to running a second publication and email account.
I enjoy writing this mid-year who-are-we articles. I realize we are all of you, curated a bit.
with the greatest appreciation,

Maria Marsala
Congrats on being 4 years old :)