How a Twitter 'storm' extended the MarketCounsel Summit from hundreds to thousands of people and showcased the potential of tweets
A PR team discovers the value of the ubiquitous social media tool but also the perils inherent in sending your 140-character stream of consciousness through the ether

Gotham Tech Labs
Nice article. Twitter is the electric glue to conference events and it was used very effectively at the MarketCounsel Summit that Gotham Tech Labs, makers of <code>Wealthbox CRM and the inbound marketing network, </code>Wealthbase, attended. Relatedly, our <code>Wealthbox CRM product is coming out of beta and launching to financial advisors in February. It's a "social CRM" app that allows advisors to monitor social activity and import contacts (prospects, clients) on social networks like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. We're pre-seeding the app for new advisor users and are delighted to include </code>RIABiz, @hdelux, and others in Wealthbox’s social activity stream.

Brooke Southall
Thank you Gotham…you’re teetering precariously on the edge of self-promo here.

Gotham Tech Labs
Fair point, Brooke. Sorry about that. (We had requested an ad rate card a couple of months ago and no one replied back! : ) ...Will request again via email.
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