VC firm installs one of its own, a Lehman Bros. legend, to get Altegris in gear
After months of searching on behalf of Aquiline, Jack L. Rivkin decided to nominate himself

Jeff Spears
If any firm is going to crack the code of product sales to RIAs it should me Altegris. While the bull market is a concern the uneducated and fragmented RIA industry is the primary concern.
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RIA in a Box gunning for top-notch staff as it readies for Aquiline-fueled roll-up binge, targeting old-school, mom-and-pop compliance competitors
With Ascensus also in its portfolio, Aquiline is showing a penchant for taking dull, fragmented, unloved wealth-management niche businesses and rolling them up into sexier firms
November 29, 2018 at 11:54 PM
Manager Research
Top Executive: Jon Sundt