Oleg Tishkevich lets loose a de facto RIA future-shock think tank in Vegas
A Heartbleed super-expert, Sochi Olympics security chief, Joel Bruckenstein's woodshed talk and Oleg's own Year 2045 post-robo oration set the shocking tone

Frederick Van Den Abbeel / TradePMR
I thought this meeting was one of the best I have attended this year. Instead of hundreds or thousands of individuals, was very nice to participate in a more collaborative session involving deeper discussions. Finance Logix and their entire team did a superb job and the quality of the presentations and my fellow attendees was A+.

Funny, but Perlov has never been head of IT Security for the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics.
Nexus Strategy
Consulting Firm
Top Executive: Timothy D. Welsh
Technology Tools for Today
Consulting Firm
Top Executive: Joel Bruckenstein