Betterment hires an RIA chief who reframes the vision from 'robo' to 'one-throat-to-choke' custodian -- and viable Schwab competitor
Fresh off selling Upside to Envestnet, Tom Kimberly is Betterment Institutional's general manager and architect of a new vision

Stephen Winks
Kimberly is correct on the importance of advisors relying on those serving in a co-fiduciary capacity, but he has overstated that Betterment has the capability to presently serve in a co-fiduciary capacity. Perhaps that is his aspiration, but if that assertion is repeated betterment users will have mislead their clients. Most advisory services platforms are more trading platforms than advisory services platforms. Prudent process authenticated back to statutory duties required is largely neglected. Thus, advisory services support as a co-fiduciary does not presently exist in any meaningful form. The responsibility is largely unfulfilled.The future goes to those seriously engaged in advisory services not transactions.
Stephen Winks
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Envestnet Inc
Top Executive: Jud Bergman
Betterment, LLC
Financial Planning Software
Top Executive: Jon Stein
Top Executive: Tom Kimberly