The unbelievable series of missteps that sent Aequitas, its RIA clients and their investors, reeling
Firms as disparate as CONCERT Wealth and CliftonLarsenAllen seem to have gotten caught up in the implosion of Oregon-based Aequitas Capital Partners and plaintiffs' attorneys are yelling 'Ponzi'

Stephen Winks
A story often repeated which illustrates the preeminence of the sales story in product distribution as opposed the secondary consideration of commercial viability and merit of the enterprise as a business enterprise. This is downside of the IB/D business. The very same mistakes are repeatedly made. and internal b/d opposition is considered as anti-product distribution the IB/D bread and butter. This is why advisory services with higher consumer protection will eclipse product sales/distribution.

Not good- those which took the expansion loan and put client assets in the strategies got some 'plaining to do!

Jerry Meek
Fantastic analysis , Just to add my thoughts , you a AU Form 80 , my friend found a fillable document here <code></code>
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Derek Bruton rides again as CEO of Chalice Wealth Partners IBD and RIA, after Kingswood acquisition splits units from the services outsourcer
The dynamic duo of Keith Gregg and Derek Bruton has split into solo acts -- with Bruton joining British roll-up arrivistes, Kingswood. But there's no hard feelings, say the pair.
January 21, 2020 at 7:52 PM
Rady Asset Management, LLC
Asset Manager for RIAs
Top Executive: Harry Rady