A wider window opens on David Zier tragedy as Convergent is made to pay and FINRA and SEC make themselves scarce
The life insurance on the suicide was executed with chilling precision by the ex-CEO and the CFTC was called in to do the regulatory dirty work
Author Janice Kirkel January 6, 2017 at 10:46 PM

Big Bopper
January 7, 2017 — 3:23 PM
That's really confusing.

Stephen Winks
January 8, 2017 — 4:58 PM
The pressure faced by advisors in a volatile capital market are without paralleled as reputation, credibility and, judgement are all put in question, a terrible circumstance for those held in highest regard. Trust is very difficult to win back which argues for fiduciary duty as a means of self protection. SCW.

News in may
August 5, 2017 — 1:36 PM
See why I found