HighTower finds hundreds of millions to cash out itchy shareholders
Thomas H. Lee Partners likes financial firms -- especially ones with big cash flow and potential for operational efficiencies

Jeff Spears

Stephen Winks

Stephen Winks
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As Bob Oros-led HighTower reboots, it bags an ex-Goldman RIA, hires two, makes a CMO imminent, and clarifies mission
The new CEO will need to somehow weave together the debris of the first roll-up run and the new one to the satisfaction of RIAs and the hundreds of people already inside the HighTower umbrella
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Elliot S. Weissbluth, Hightower Advisors mastermind, cashes out and vacates chairman role as Pershing's ex-CEO Lisa Dolly takes a board seat
The Chicago rollup's founder got paid better by doing the second-stage exit and the new cast on the Board also includes Bob Oros ascending to chair and Darrell Horn of Green Square Wealth Management joining
February 19, 2021 at 8:58 PM
HighTower gets a new CEO, to be revealed later, as Elliot Weissbluth moves upstairs
Elliot Weissbluth's move upstairs ends an era, as Thomas H. Lee's reign begins in earnest, and Mark Cabezas comes in as M&A head.
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