Independent Advisor Group hires ex-Gladstone managing director

Kristen Luke
It doesn’t surprise me to see an increase in applications. Getting your name on the Barron’s Top 100 List is worth the time it takes to complete the nomination process. It is the best kind of marketing – free and adds credibility. I had a client earlier this month tell me they wanted to apply next year, so I have a feeling that number is going to keep increasing in the next few years.

Brooke Southall
Thanks, Kristen. I have a call in to Barron’s to try to get much more information about the future criteria and the rationale for the existing system. Does anyone know exactly how much work it is to the application?

Don Davidson
The basic application process is not that bad. The entry of data for most would take a few hours max. After everything is run through compliance the entire process is usually complete within a day or two.

So how does the nomination work. What is the check on an advisor just making up #s? Does his/her firm’s compliance department have to sign off on his/her application to barron’s? Are there any advisors that are unhappy with this process? Is the data always accurate?
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