Donald Trump sends flurry of pro-DOL rule tweets early on Saturday that astound RIAs
Ron Rhoades admits he is 'absolutely stunned' at POTUS' fiduciary advocacy on Twitter -- perhaps the product of a chance golf course encounter that sparked the meeting of minds
Author Brooke Southall April 2, 2017 at 8:39 PM

April 3, 2017 — 12:39 AM
Dumb attempt at..whatever it is you were trying to do. Oh btw it's April 2nd.

brooke southall
April 3, 2017 — 3:11 AM
Is this your way of saying you won't be the first subscriber to the RIA Onion? :)

Matthew C. Cox
April 3, 2017 — 2:25 PM
Lost all credibility with this one.

April 3, 2017 — 2:46 PM
Pass on that one Brooke. Ha! Google Michael Knowles 'Comprehensive Guide to Voting Democratic' That is journalism...known this guy since he was 5 years old and the book is hilarious! #1 on Amazon!

Eric Fischgrund
April 3, 2017 — 9:18 PM
Joking about a fiduciary standard for consumers? So funny...