Robertson Stephens seeks revival under new CEO after departures that included the old one
Founder Joe Piazza is still a director and his new chief, Ren Riley, says a pending deal means the San Francisco-based RIA is 'not dead' yet
Author By Lisa Shidler August 23, 2017 at 7:06 PM

Jeff Spears
August 24, 2017 — 1:21 PM
Joe was and remains one of the best recruiters in the business. Unfortunately he didn't have as much to sell as he did at the old Robby and Montgomery Securities. Ren and his team will address that and they have a good core team to help.

John Downes
March 2, 2018 — 6:23 PM
Ren Riley has been disastrous as a CEO. Clients are unhappy, top advisors leaving, down to a skeletal crew in SF. It's a shame because the original Robertson Stephens brand was stellar.

Brian Speno
April 3, 2018 — 5:19 PM
This firm is imploding. I give them another 6 months.