A Machiavellian Merrill Lynch took the lead on the DOL rule and marketed its fiduciary piety; now it's wrapping its flip-flop in the same pious intent
The fiduciary play by BoA's wirehouse got accolades but failed to help Merrill where it always matters most -- recruiting, retention and revenues. It still may be doing the right thing for consumers when reverse churning gets considered.

Ron Edde FA Recruiting & Mergers
Related Moves
Infamous stockbroker resolves civil suit stemming from violent tirade -- the apparent final chapter in an incident that went viral and forever branded him the 'Fairfield Smoothie Guy'
Broker Jim Iannazzo went all out with high-powered attorneys and slick Las Vegas crisis pr team to limit the damage from his actions, but whether he can ever live down the incident remains to be seen.
September 1, 2022 at 5:11 AM
Oisín's Bits: Wealthfront drops old mission statement, declares war on institutions and emphasizes banking future • Seeking Utah charter, Edward Jones may become largest bank in US by branch count • After Advent chief leaves, Black Diamond head steps up
Andy Rachleff cans the old 'democratizing' mission statement at his robo; The 14,200 one-man Ed Jones branches may become branch banks; Steve Leivent consolidates power at SS&C.
July 3, 2020 at 1:12 AM
As Bob Oros-led HighTower reboots, it bags an ex-Goldman RIA, hires two, makes a CMO imminent, and clarifies mission
The new CEO will need to somehow weave together the debris of the first roll-up run and the new one to the satisfaction of RIAs and the hundreds of people already inside the HighTower umbrella
March 20, 2019 at 11:32 PM
Pension Resource Institute, LLC
Compliance Expert
Top Executive: Jason C. Roberts
Retirement Law Group, PC
Top Executive: Jason C. Roberts