Exclusive: Creative Planning's split with Tony Robbins was in the works well before self-help guru's sexual misconduct allegations, says Peter Mallouk
The CEO of the $38-billion Kansas RIA calls the severance an 'amicable' outcome after six months of talks in part sparked by shift to M&A strategy.

Jeff Spears

Jerry Krueger
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The new 'Tony Robbins' book debut coincides with Ajay Gupta revealing plan to retire, which leaves Creative Planning to keep the referral spoils with Robbins down to a 'with' credit on the cover
Peter Mallouk's and Robbins' book, 'The Path: Accelerating Your Journey to Financial Freedom,' was released this week through a new publisher and word got out that 50 year-old Gupta was departing with little explanation
October 16, 2020 at 7:49 PM
Creative Planning
RIA Serving Other RIAs
Top Executive: Peter Mallouk, JD, MBA, CFP®