RIAs are mad for fixed-income ETFs but a start-up's backers bet $10 million it can get them to pay $10,000 (per seat!) to go back in-house
Other attempts to virtually combine bond inventories were lackluster but YieldX says it's mining a rich new vein of data that bond ETF makers -- Vanguard, BlackRock, PIMCO etc. -- lay bare.
Author Oisin Breen November 1, 2020 at 10:02 PM

Brian Murphy
November 3, 2020 — 12:56 AM
The fixed income markets represent a significant hurdle for technology to overcome owing to the noted dearth of liquidity, large number of different issues outstanding, buy-and-hold nature of investors and the Federal Reserve overall.
The excess yield that is perceived to be available will likely be more than washed away through real transaction frictions. Nevertheless I applaud the effort. Can you point me to who's handing out $10MM on back of the envelope ideas? Thanks!