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Brandishing 'better outcomes' and 'outperformance,' Vanguard Group announced today its five new high-conviction funds are ready for the investors using its $259-billion RIA

Citing 10-year, Lipper-tracked data, the $8-trillion Malvern, Pa., mammoth is making the funds exclusively available through Personal Advisor Services

Author Brooke Southall November 10, 2021 at 12:32 AM
no description available
Jon Cleborne: Vanguard has thoughtfully crafted this new active equity offer.

Vanguard Group

charles a pye

charles a pye

November 11, 2021 — 3:11 PM
all sounds great , but really don’t understand what the underlying businesses are. And what is RIA? what does it stand for ? im always up for some risk , so i’m interested
Brooke Southall

Brooke Southall

November 11, 2021 — 6:05 PM
Charles, An RIA is a registered investment advisor. It means a financial advisor that, by law, puts clients first. It contrasts in part with a registered rep or stockbroker that sells financial products for a commission. One knock on stockbrokers is that they historically sold the products of their own firms, which was often not in client interests. Now we have Vanguard doing something like that on the surface using its own funds, though different in some of the particulars including the fact no sales commissions are involved and Vanguard funds tend to be relatively inexpensive. -Brooke

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Risi now heads planning and still directly reports to CEO Tim Buckley and her 34 year-old understudy, Benchener gets her job at year's end.

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