Brandishing 'better outcomes' and 'outperformance,' Vanguard Group announced today its five new high-conviction funds are ready for the investors using its $259-billion RIA
Citing 10-year, Lipper-tracked data, the $8-trillion Malvern, Pa., mammoth is making the funds exclusively available through Personal Advisor Services

charles a pye

Brooke Southall
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March 5, 2021 at 1:16 AM
Karin Risi, who built $170-billion Vanguard Personal Advisor Services, takes new role and Matt Benchener is taking her spot as head of US retail for the $6.3 trillion manager
Risi now heads planning and still directly reports to CEO Tim Buckley and her 34 year-old understudy, Benchener gets her job at year's end.