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Articles tagged "Advisor Growth Strategies"


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Shirl Penney (2nd from r., flanked by Rich Gill, Marty Bicknell and John Furey): ​Breakaways should expect to 'pay a 25% settlement fee moving forward.'

An RIABiz advertising exec derives hard meanings from soft comments made by big shots at MarketCounsel Summit

Post-TD Tom Bradley, post-refinanced Elliot Weissbluth, post-divorce David Bach and Ric Edelman, post-protocol Shirl Penney and post-windfall Marty Bicknell were among execs who tipped their hands and hearts about where they are headed

December 12, 2017 at 2:18 PM

Leo Kelly: As HighTower grows, it has an agenda and a business strategy of its own and we have an agenda and a business strategy of our own

HighTower loses two teams comprising 33 people and $3 billion of assets over July 4th weekend, declines comment, then issues a 'smashing' press release

The teams, led by Leo Kelly in Maryland and Joel Guth in Ohio, say the Chicago roll-up 'has its own agenda' but that it served as a good stepping stone to becoming fully independent RIAs

July 7, 2017 at 9:16 PM

Jeffrey Friedstein gets a summer break just when he didn't want one.

A Goldman Sachs team attempts breakaway with a client as stakeholder in new RIA and suffers the consequences

Grey Street Capital will have to wait until August to solicit former clients -- at the very least

June 22, 2017 at 9:21 PM

Mike Papedis: I am not interested in working for another firm as employee.

HighTower parts ways with -- and doesn't replace -- the dealmaker who has 'worked on more breakaway transactions ... than anyone in the industry'

Elliot Weissbluth's gun-slinging No. 2, Mike Papedis, moves on after HighTower's assets declined, deals waned and the once-loud company took on an indoor voice

March 21, 2017 at 9:53 PM

Dan Arnold: Let me expand on our first priority: growing our core business.

New LPL CEO Dan Arnold thrills Wall Street in debut by laying out vanilla vision

Deflecting talk of RIA strategies and alliances with giants aside, Mark Casady's successor says LPL Financial's recruiting machine is poised to crank in DOL turmoil cast-offs

February 10, 2017 at 7:55 PM

Rob Francais: Stanford is already in its second generation of management ...

How Aspiriant knocked out another all-stock deal for an $850-million-AUM firm and why such pure-paper transactions don't grow on trees

Stanford had done its own succession spade work and its principals were willing to become workers in a Deloitte-cultured firm

December 29, 2016 at 4:09 PM

Perry Olson extracted Atherton from Portola, built it up, and, nine years later, is now selling it to BNY Mellon.

What about the 49ers, Palo Alto experiment and China led a $2.7 billion RIA to sell out, brand and all, to BNY Mellon

BNY Mellon ends up buying RIA -- and paying an extraction fee to Schwab -- after building nearby Palo Alto 6,800-square-ft. branch

February 10, 2016 at 7:40 PM

Matt Sonnen: I was employee zero at Luminous. I built the firm in the shadows outside of Merrill.

How the mastermind of the Luminous Capital breakaway is parlaying his cloak-and-dagger skills into 'Pure Financial Independence'

With his wife, Larissa, as sidearm, Matt Sonnen seeks to fulfill a niche for a service level between John Furey and Shirl Penney

January 19, 2016 at 8:38 PM

Walt Bettinger: I have bitten my lip until now.

Walt Bettinger unbites his lip and ignites a Schwab IMPACT Twitter squall and the RIA custody show goes on

Tweets connected Schwab CEO remarks to Wealthfront's chippy chief -- red meat to the de facto hometown crowd of advisors

November 16, 2015 at 7:53 PM

Members of the Summit Trail team stayed at their desks through the Lehman crisis earning enduring client loyalty.

Lehman Bros.' binding ties and culture spur another $1B team -- that stayed at their posts as Lehman burned -- to flee Stifel-owned Barclays for RIA

Newly created Summit Trail, with a Shirl factor, allows the Lehman swagger, kinder and gentler, to reassert itself in 2015 after seven years of smoldering

October 23, 2015 at 7:10 PM

John Copeland: We hope to bring a permanence to these boutique firms.

AMG's deal for $7-billion myCIO will give it $32 billion of AUM and its 12-billionth dollar of acquired assets in 2015

The RIA founded in 2005 made out of spare parts of E&Y and PWC needed a blue chip succession plan from the Beverly, Mass. asset management roll-up

July 20, 2015 at 10:01 PM

If Focus Financial has an IPO, the vultures may feast first, best.

Report: Focus Financial is preparing SEC paperwork for its initial public offering -- but is it jumping the gun?

With $325 million in revenues, the jumbo New York roll-up seeks to assuage a host of liquidity challenges

July 7, 2015 at 3:36 PM

Mark Hurley: You're not going to be dead when you sell your business.

Mark Hurley's new report analyzes the pathology of the aging RIA and the illiquidity it exacts

The leveraged buyout specialist posits thousands of principals trapped in their practices, unable to sell, victims of psychological unpreparedness

May 14, 2015 at 4:57 PM

Danny Sarch: I don't think this is desperate at all. If you don't have money, then you can't make the deals.

Ameriprise makes its move upmarket by first moving its bonus payouts to Wall Street levels

The Minneapolis-based broker jacks its sticker bid to 150% bonuses of brokers' last 12-months of revenue

June 13, 2014 at 2:30 PM

John Lueken - r. - with Tim Pagliara: There is a significant tax advantage ... as well as a sizeable general cost of living improvement

This 32 year-old Goldman Sachs trader chucked New York for a $1-billion RIA outside Nashville

Embodying a reverse brain drain, John Lueken bolted for for the country-music capitol -- and not because of his way with a guitar

May 5, 2014 at 5:59 AM


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