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Articles tagged "CalPERS"


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Don A. Steinbrugge: Obviously most hedge fund managers do not have houses in The Hamptons or private jets.

A hedgie defends hedge funds -- and their disparaged managers -- amid a tough PR run for the category

Pension funds won't hit their must-have 8% assumption rate on a bland diet of fixed-income and equities -- a carefully chosen manager can add much-needed spice

April 21, 2016 at 8:04 PM

Edward Siedle: Overstaffing, underfunding, a lack of transparency and too much politics [are unacceptable].

The exit of CalPERS' turnaround CEO Anne Stausboll raises the question of whether the pension Goliath's changes are too little, too late and mostly superficial

Stausboll made a big showing of cutting hedge funds and other active managers but her last big act was to pay up for a New York office tower, funded by the sale of a diversified real estate portfolio

April 18, 2016 at 8:12 PM

Ted Eliopoulos is showing increasing intolerance for return-corroding fees.

CalPERS's hatchet man, Ted Eliopoulos, goes on a manager firing spree, shaving hundreds of millions in management fees -- but is it enough?

For its most recent fiscal year, the pension giant paid $1.6 billion in fees, with close to 90% of that money going to the real estate, private equity, and egregiously pricey hedge fund managers

June 23, 2015 at 3:04 PM

Eric Baggesen: What you have to ask yourself is, can you trade your way to success with $300 billion?

WSJ: CalPERS questions its own ability to execute winning trades

Candidates for the chopping block in the pension fund's strategy rethink include individual stocks and hedge funds -- and a retreat from its accustomed role as trading macher

August 12, 2014 at 4:08 PM

Michael Falk: These investment beliefs did not establish any governance or decision rights, and I have no idea what they believe after reading them.

Why some pension experts believe CalPERs got 'nothing' out of paying Towers Watson $275,000 to define its 'beliefs'

The pension giant responds by saying that 'no specific deliverables' came out of the process

January 14, 2014 at 5:07 AM

Robert Boslego: We can see this 'change' for what it is -- a statement of remorse for prior freelanced investment moves.

What I learned from the CalPERS meeting in which the 10 Beliefs were unveiled -- and why I came away mystified

As a risk manager I was looking for trailblazing thinking but the bland statements of belief were quite the opposite

October 2, 2013 at 5:27 PM

Dan Solin: I think the forces aligned against evidence-based investing are far more powerful than anyone can really appreciate.

The 401(k) industry braces itself for fruits of a CalPERS rethink that reflects a cut-the-crap mentality about active investing

A giant staff of researchers and managers -- not always in accord -- manages $260 billion of assets exerts psychological weight, and active management is losing friends in a place where it once thrived

September 12, 2013 at 8:30 PM

Joe Nation: CalPERS typically claims a much lower unfunded liability than actually exists--precisely because it assumes a higher-than-justified investment rate of return.

A careful look into whether CalPERS is ticking along or a ticking time bomb

The $270-billion giant seems more grounded after some investing misadventures, but the unfunded-liability horse may be out of the barn

September 4, 2013 at 3:12 AM

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