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Articles tagged "TA Associates"


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Eric Clarke: '[I'm] CEO of the business, [so] I feel like I'd have a very good say in [any] transition, what those next steps would be and plan to be highly involved and engaged in that process ... [with a sale] most likely in my opinion to another financial sponsor, another private equity firm.

What exactly to make of the Barron's article about Orion being listed for sale by Raymond James for $1.8 billion -- and how it boils down to 'when', not if

Orion CEO is insists no formal action is taking place but majority stakeholder, TA Associates, declines to back him up, Barron's isn't backing down and Orion admits its five-year anniversary with TA marks a sell-by date.

January 18, 2020 at 2:03 AM

Dr. Ajay Dravid: Fees that are at least partly … contingent on beating a benchmark are in investors’ best interests.

Oisin's Bits: Equinox pledges to beat market, and rivals, before collecting fees • Orion-parent TA Associates readies roll-up spree after $375 million purchase • Sanctuary adds breakway No. 26 to $10 billion haul, reeling in Morgan Stanley firm eager to shed 'old mindset'

Equinox Funds, a small, academic asset manager, launches a mutual fund with fees tied to performance; now the results are in • TA Associates, owner of Orion Advisor Solutions, acquires a beachhead for RIA roll-up spree • It's full steam ahead for Sanctuary's Jim Dickson who bags breakaway No. 26

August 28, 2019 at 3:24 AM

Eric Clarke: You learn more from the deals you don't win.

Orion buys $10-billion TAMP to take on Envestnet and AssetMark head-on for mega-accounts

Omaha, Neb.-based NorthStar division is buying FTJ Fundchoice to launch Orion Enterprise after painful losses in bidding for business with large RIAs and IBDs

April 11, 2018 at 2:03 PM

Eric Clarke: Sometimes hiring an outside firm solidifies something we already know. It gave us some good courage.

Eric Clarke makes seven big Orion hires that reflect the big check it wrote to Bain & Co. -- including a 'poach' from his brother, Todd

The word-of-God consultant told the Omaha, Neb. software maker to build Eclipse, which worked well, and sparked demand for asset management and marketing experts

January 12, 2018 at 7:28 PM

Eric Clarke: When we did the agreement with TRX we knew there would be key learnings we could pick up along the way.

The four-year ordeal Orion's president underwent to launch Eclipse -- a sprint to stay in the race with Tamarac and Black Diamond for rebalancing

Eric Clarke tried to build, failed, bought, but kept on building until he got Amazon-ensconsed Eclipse

February 28, 2017 at 2:31 AM

John Wotowicz: You have to build brick by brick.

Tiburon CEO Summit goes high as talk turns to FANG factor on days one and two

The once-dismissed prospect that Facebook, Amazon and Google could enter wealth management was back on the front burner as advice business chiefs gathered and Google contributed to a panel

October 12, 2016 at 10:44 PM

Eric Clarke [r.] next to brother Todd: They didn't even blink an eye about our expansion proposal.

How Orion's parent company -- NorthStar -- is recovering, Omaha-style, from underestimating space needs by 45,000 square feet

After hiring 326 people in last 18 months, people are being all but stuffed in closets but a cheap solution is at hand -- a new campus

August 28, 2015 at 4:43 PM

Vilas Naralakattu: My initial reaction was 'oh crap,' but I got a lot more information and I talked to the folks at Orion, I felt much better.

Orion signs on three $1 billion-plus RIAs on its even-keeled Omaha reputation then rocks its own boat with a sale to Boston firm

Pinnacle Advisory Group, Brouwer & Janachowski, HK Financial Services bought Orion for scaling and nervously accept that it made its own scaling move

February 20, 2015 at 8:51 PM

Eric and Todd Clarke: We are wired to engage in the battle. We enjoy doing it and we want to keep doing it.

Boston firm buys Orion Advisor Services as part of NorthStar succession deal

TA Associates is acquiring a majority position in NorthStar Financial, which also owns CLS Investments and Gemini Fund Services

February 9, 2015 at 2:30 PM

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