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Articles tagged "TD Ameritrade"


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Benjamin Halliburton: We were scrambling.

TD Ameritrade shocks RIAs most accustomed to its largesse with a letter, a contract and a tight deadline to sign

The Jersey City, N.J.-based custodian tells RIAs to accept new terms on branch referrals or be terminated from the program

April 12, 2017 at 4:08 AM

Mukesh Mehta and Charles Goldman are friends who have made a point of having dinner together a few times a year.

In poaching coup, Charles Goldman hires open-API wizard Mukesh Mehta to AssetMark from Cetera

The legendary chief information officer headed Schwab Institutional's efforts before shepherding in TD Ameritrade's legendary open API

March 15, 2017 at 8:09 PM

Scott MacKillop: You can see it's going to work now. There's no way I'm going to let this thing fall apart.

Scott MacKillop applies shock-and-awe pricing to SMA market to good effect after merely lower fees left RIAs flat

Using a robo out of a yoga studio, First Ascent is using a flat, capped fee to fulfill a founder's vision

March 14, 2017 at 10:47 PM

Marcia Wagner: This could be her saying: we're independent.

'Forum-shopped' Texas judge, refusing to play along, torpedoes Wall Street's efforts to stay the DOL rule -- narrowing chances of an end run by Trump and stockbrokers

DOL rule's would-be killers face the quagmire of law-making; Chief Judge Barbara Lynn grilled DOL, promised that it signaled nothing, and that turned out to be true

February 9, 2017 at 2:46 AM

Tim Hockey: There is an advice continuum with do-it-yourselfers on one end and advisor directed investors on the other. In the middle we don’t want to give them a reason to leave, so we have to offer more choices.

Tim Hockey invites channel-conflict question before TD Ameritrade's RIAs, sets good tone at LINC conference

New CEO plants question with his own PR interrogator, relieving tension, albeit with a stock answer, and allowing a successful event to unfold

February 6, 2017 at 6:22 PM

Tim Hockey: I understand why advisors might be nervous about that.

New TD Ameritrade CEO, fresh from bank, will 'reassess' putting TD brand on products and redefining open architecture

Tim Hockey, poised to meet advisors in San Diego next week, allows that RIA business is a 'real gem' but may also be priming the pump to put more proprietary products on the shelves at 600 TD and Scottrade branches

January 26, 2017 at 11:05 PM

Fidelity can only offer so much to a Gen X talent like Bob Oros

Fidelity begins search for new RIA national sales manager as Bob Oros goes millennial, vacating a prized position

The kids pioneered the mindset but now the Oroses of the world grab quality-of-work, make-a-difference opportunities that their experience allows them to command

January 14, 2017 at 1:51 AM

Ron Rhoades: The worst case would be adopting a rule and calling it fiduciary when it is actually a much weaker standard.

At MarketCounsel, a Ron Rhoades-Skip Schweiss exchange reveals new DOL-rule threat -- a Trump-led compromise creating a mutant strain of the reg that benefits no one

The problem, Rhoades says, is that a pseudo-fiduciary standard asks consumers to assume the burden of knowing what's best for them when it comes to investing, which brings the problem full circle

December 7, 2016 at 8:33 PM

Dan Arnold: As an entrepreneur at heart, I am constantly inspired and energized by the work of our advisors and institutions.

LPL takes selling off the table and takes out boisterous Mark Casady at CEO in favor of quiet Dan Arnold

The firm's future as an independent public company is assured for now but the abrupt shift in management style poses new questions

December 6, 2016 at 12:52 AM

Brian Hamburger: The combination of a Donald Trump presidency and a Republican Congress will have an enormous impact on the momentum of the expansion of a fiduciary duty on those that give financial advice.

The DOL rule is DOA -- and that's just the beginning, says RIA champion Brian Hamburger, law school chum of odds-on chief of staff Reince Priebus

Another Trump advisor, hedge fund biggie Anthony Scaramucci, says the DOL rule is a goner along with other post-'08 consumer firewalls -- but fiduciary advocates see one last bulwark: BICE

November 11, 2016 at 5:29 PM

Todd Feltz (center, flanked by Brent O’Mara and Wade Behlen): They let us run our RIA business, allowed us to broker business with them, provided compliance and supervision -- and then the game changed.

Why exactly a $2.2 billion RIA hybrid abruptly dumped LPL for Securities America -- and Schwab, Fidelity and TD Ameritrade

Besides cost savings of using diverse custodians, WealthPlan gets past 'crippling workflow' by forming new partnerships with Orion, Salesforce, eMoney and Advisory World

November 7, 2016 at 7:50 PM

Rumors of the Boston-based IBD's acquisition by E*Trade could send LPL stock on a wild ride.

This time LPL share jump is traced to E*Trade

Critically late to the advice game and at loose ends after TD-Scottrade union, the New York-based discount broker has a lean and hungry look, according to Dealreporter

November 2, 2016 at 4:29 PM

Walt Bettinger (with Bernie Clark): It’s fairly safe to say that most of the rest are available for the right check.

As Bernie Clark and Walt Bettinger go on offense, LPL and Wells Fargo names get named and a B2C robo dry-up gets foretold at Schwab IMPACT in San Diego

The Schwab CEO, buoyed by his robo, robust quarterly results and DOL fallout at competitors is on offense -- a state of being RIAs can relate to

October 28, 2016 at 6:41 PM

Evan LaHuta: Is it reasonable to offer this type of discount for new clients, but not your long-term valuable existing clients?

Schwab launches biggest RIA-targeted price war in years -- but TD and Pershing say they won't play along

In what may be a prelude to commission-free RIA custody era, Schwab eliminates equity and ETF commissions for all new clients for a year; Fidelity says it is still cheaper

July 1, 2016 at 8:25 PM

Jon Patullo [r.] with Jim Dario: We started here in Texas with nine vendors in 2010 to start the conversation.

Alert to Pershing's API move and eMoney's dashboard acumen, TD Ameritrade brings its API partners to Texas to drive home its first-mover advantage

TD does (almost) Dallas as it announces 100-plus third-party vendor integrations while keeping an eye on the competition

June 30, 2016 at 12:05 AM


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